It is said that neglecting occupational safety and health (OSH) is estimated to cause a 4% loss in the GDP revenue per year in Malaysia. The enactment of the latest Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 reflects the Government’s intention to minimize injuries and mishaps.
The amendments introduced were aimed at providing a higher standard of safety, health and welfare to workers. It also offers greater protection to employees and places a higher degree of accountability on employers. Non-compliance carries a much harsher penalty, including fine up to RM500,000 and 6-month jail term or both.
This program gives an overview of safety and health management at workplace in the context of the new legislation.
The training content will be delivered through short lectures and group discussion during the training program.
At the end of the programme, participants should be able to:
• Understand the basic legal requirements and compliance under OSHA 1994 and OSHA 2022
• Understand the responsibilities of employer, employee and safety committee under OSHA 1994
• Understand the importance of the safety Committee, training and safety audit at workplace
• Recognize work place safety hazards and develop take preventive measures
• Management
• Managers
• Engineers/Technicians
• Vendors/Contractors
• Supervisors
• Engineer/Officer
• General Employees
Date: 27 May 2024 (Mon)
Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Venue: Sheraton Hotel, Kuching
- Early Bird Offer (before 9 May 2024) - RM 890
- Special Offer (before 23 May 2024) - RM 940
- Normal Fee - RM 1000
>> Fee incl. Course Notes, Meals, Certificate of Completion and 8% Service Tax
** OFFER **
- 10% Cashback for SST2u Learner Card+ (SLC+) members. T&Cs applied.
HRDCorp Claimable Course:
Trainer MyCoiD: 429594X
Course Scheme: HRDCorp Claimable Course
Course Type: Public
Course Code: 10001407766
Module 1 - Occupational Safety And Health Historical Context and Overiew
• Introduction to OSHA 1994
• OSH Legal Requirements: Compliance as commitment
• Safety and Health Policy
Module 2 - Occupational Safety And Health (Amendment) Act 2022
• Key Amendments and Updates
• Expanded definition of a workplace
• Safety & Health Committee Functions
• Mandatory Requirement of OSH-Coordinator (“Section 29A”)
• Training of an OSH Coordinator
• Roles and responsibility of OSH Coordinator (With reference to OSHA 1994 & its Amendment Act, 2022)
Module 3 - Implications of OSH(A)A 2022
• Unsafe actions & Unsafe conditions at work
• OSH Awareness: What & Why Safety?
• Duties and responsibilities of Employer and Employees at Work
• Introduction of the concept of “Principal”
• Working From Home
• Interpretation and implication of the Amendments
• Employers / employees response to the amendments
• Workshop #1: Identify what causes accidents at work
Module 4 - Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)
• Emphasis of HIRARC in OSH(A)A 2022
• Hazards and Risk at Workplace
• Definition of hazard, risk and danger
• Methods of identifying hazards
• Risk assessment process
• Risk assessment matrix
• Hierarchy of Safety Control Measures
• Workshop #2: Identifying the hazard at workplace
Module 5 - Material Storage and Handling
• An example of 11 training modules
• Unplanned Handling and material storage increase the cost of risk accident
• Examples of storage that is effective
• Use of assistive devices manual and mechanical
• Layout and storage of goods in workplace
• Workshop #3: Implementing Super 5S Housekeeping for better storage and Handling
End of Training
HRDF Certified Trainer
Brian Wee holds a Master of Business Administration and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Heriot Watt University, United Kingdom. He has a Certificate and a Diploma in Personnel Management. He is a Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP), an Ordinary Member of Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM), PSMB Certified Trainer and PSMB Human Resource Consultant. Wee has attended a three days Effective Training Evaluation program by Ms Beverley Jeffreys of Chisholm Institute, Australian National Training Authority (ANTA).
Wee brings with him more than 15 years of working experience in Human Resource of large manufacturing companies. He is a Resource Training person for Malaysian Institute of Personnel Management (MIPM), Malaysian Institute of Purchasing and Material Management, UBS Commercial Institute, Open University Malaysia, Asia e University and UTM Space Executive Diploma Programs and others.
He started off his career in 1980 as a Senior Officer with the Ministry of Information where stayed for 15 years and gained extensive management experience. Later he moved to a Japanese based company where he was in charge of all spectrums of Human Resource functions. During that time, he acquired Japanese management skills such as Kaizen, Zero Defect, JIT, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, ISO QMS and EMS Awareness Program and many others. He developed and trained QC, ISO QMS and EMS and productivity related modules for the Wilmar International Group of companies’ employees.
In his present capacity, he develops modules and consult a multitude of organizations. He is also a part time lecturer for academic courses, namely Certificate & Diploma Program for Malaysia institute of Human Resource Management, Supervisory Module for Certificate & Diploma for Malaysian Institute of Purchasing & material Management, Executive Diploma of Human Resource Management for UTM SPACE, Asia e University, Southern College University and Open University Malaysia and Professional Short Course in Mandarin for Human Resource subjects and English Conversation & Communication Skills for User Business School (UBS).
Wee is tri-lingua and is able to teach and consult in all three main languages fluently.
His much in-demand programmes include Effective Supervisory Skills, Purchasing & Negotiation Skills, 8D Team Problem Solving Methods, Total Preventive Maintenance, ISO QMS AND EMS Awareness Program, UTM SPACE ISO QMS Modules, Effective QA/QC Inspectors, QC Tools, QCC, Effective Communication and Motivation Program, Excellent Clerical Skills, Excellent Customer Service, Effective Business English Communication Skills, Report Writing Skills, Effective Presentation Skills, Teambuilding Program, Positive Working Attitude, Malaysian Labour Laws and Industrial Relation Laws, Understanding of Employment Act 1955, Handling Misconduct and conducting Domestic Inquiries, Effective Salary Computation and Administration, Handling Problematic & Difficult Employees, Report Writing Skills, Drafting an Employment Contract, Effective Human Resource Management, HR for Non HR Executive / Managers, People Management, Leadership Skills, Balanced Scorecard, Key Performance Indicators and others.
Among some of his training and/or consultancy services clients are Kyocera, Sunpower, TJ Wang Group (Accountancy & Secretarial Services), Lii Hen Group, China Press, White Horse Ceramic, ML Plastics Sdn Bhd, Yee Wan Manufacturing, Southern College, Foo Yew High School, MITI, Police Academy (Technical),Champion Precision, JK Sumi Wire, Muar Ban Lee Engineering, Autoveyor, Southern Lion, Seiko Electric, CSC Steel, San Miguel Yamamura Plastic, Ornapaper, Umicore Malaysia, Alloy Consolidated (MTD Group), Panasonic AVC Network, Southern College University, Infineon Technologies, to name a few.
Wee is also a frequent resource trainer and consultant for the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), and associations and trade bodies including SME Association, Hoteliers Associations and more.
Enquiry: yes@sst2u.com
- General (03 - 8604 7270)
- Teo (011 - 3178 9203)
- Logesh (012 - 503 0346)
- Siti (012 - 383 8603)
- Han (019 - 323 0507)